"Be miserable. Or motivate yourself. Whatever has to be done, it's always your choice." - Wayne Dyer


Tuesday, January 5, 2016

New Year, New Inspiration!

Welcome to 2016! 


With the new year comes new motivation and new inspiration! This year is going to bring a variety of projects for me, and I hope it will bring lots of projects for you as well.

So many things happened last year that pushed me to grow in almost every aspect; this year I feel like I can do anything! Let's analyze; think about the struggles and impossible situations that you overcame in 2015. If you got through that, you can literally do or be anything you want. I realized 2 important things:

1. You don't need to be a professional to do what you love - We can't let the fact that we aren't "qualified" hold us back from our passions, because practice makes perfect. I used to be under the impression that a short film had to be this magnificent work of art, and that discouraged me from making movies. But I got tired of waiting for inspiration to strike, and I started making little videos to work on the technical side of my craft. If you love something don't wait until someone gives you permission. Just go for it!
2. Hard work, passionate work, always pays off - Passion can leak into to everything you do. When you try your best at something because you love it, the right people will notice and things will take off for you! And even if no one ever notices, the satisfaction of finishing a task that you know you put 110% of your best efforts into is indescribable. 

Maybe I am a little ambitious to be taking this on, but I feel like if I stick to it and work hard, I will succeed. One of those projects is to start a YouTube channel. It's time to take the time to practice my craft. So I started out already with a couple short videos...

my short film...

and a new trailer for my book!

 Soon I will also be posting irregular Vlogs documenting our transition from Puerto Rico to Raleigh.
(Stay tuned!)

The point is 2016. 
It is the year of inspiration, motivation, and new challenges! 

Forget about a new year's resolution! 
Set goals and make yours dreams happen! 


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