Yesterday on January 30, 2015 the beautiful wedding of Ivy and Kuro took place in a beautiful church!
Too bad we were late!!
(An hour and 15 minutes to be exact)
To pass the time in the car on the way I took a few selfies...
By the time we arrived the ceremony was over, and everyone was preparing
to head out to the reception, but at least we made it in time to see
some good friends of mine make their love official forever!
The reception was gorgeous! The speeches that were made
during the toast were tear-inducing, and events, such as the throwing of
the garter, were gut-busting hilarious!
Nico did his best to stay awake for mommy and daddy, but the poor little
guy fell asleep as he was waiting with the other unmarried men for the
garter to be tossed.
It was a night of enjoying a special time with our friends and coming together to celebrate a young love that we witnessed grow since its very beginning.
We even took a dip in the pool for Ivy, who was dying to get in since she walked into the reception area. It was FREEZING! But at least I looked good ;)
The wedding reminded me of how much love we share between us and what a blessing it is to be able to take on life with your best friend.