"Be miserable. Or motivate yourself. Whatever has to be done, it's always your choice." - Wayne Dyer


Sunday, November 8, 2015

Staying Calm When Things Go Wrong

As much as we try to make it so, life is not perfect.

The bible warns us that as Christians, we will go through many trials and storms.
 (See John 16:33) 
We go through difficult situations, and hard times more often than we'd like to admit. It's hard to see the beauty or the good when dealing with the stress and fear of an uncertain future, but in these times it can be helpful to cling to the word of God. 

Though sometimes we feel like everything is falling apart, we are encouraged to remain joyful and trust that God knows what he is doing. (Read James 1:2-4)

Like an old friend the bible compels us to remain faithful in the Lord. 

3 Things to keep in mind during, THE STORM:

1. God makes all things come together for the good of those who love Him. He will never forsake you, He will never leave alone. He does thing deliberately and intentionally, He knows what is best for us, and He loves us.


2. The bible holds countless examples of God protecting his people throughout scary and dangerous experiences. Remember when Daniel got tossed in the lions den for praying to the One True God? He came out unharmed and the king had all of Daniel's enemies thrown to the lions. (Read Daniel 6:19-23) 
The Lord protects those who trust in him. 

3. The bible promises that though things seem bad, they will always get better. (See Romans 8:18) 
God knows every detail of our lives, He knows our entire story, and He knows that there are wonderful things in store for all of those who put their faith in Jesus.
Our only job is to remain faithful. 


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