"Be miserable. Or motivate yourself. Whatever has to be done, it's always your choice." - Wayne Dyer


Tuesday, December 30, 2014

New Year, New You!


The new year is sure to bring big changes for all of us. Usually, during this time of year we reflect on what our life has been like over the past 12 months in attempts to better ourselves; to prepare for the next big step. Whether it's remorse over not eating healthier, or exercising more, or spending too much money, we all admit that there is something we can improve. 

So, year after year we set a New Year's resolution. And after only a few short months  many of us find ourselves breaking it.

Getting off to a good start is no problem at all, maintaining that passion you had in the beginning is what some of us find difficult. Auspiciously, there are a few key tricks to staying on track!

1. Make a list of motives - On a sheet of paper, write out all of the reasons behind setting your New Year's resolution. Will it make you happier, healthier, or wiser? Will it bring your family closer together? Knowing the "why" will keep you motivated enough to try!

2. Tell everyone you know -This all boils down to one word; accountability. The more people you tell about your resolution, the more people are going to expect to see results. So, post it on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, MAKE IT KNOWN! When you have a little slip, and you feel like backing down, you will be surrounded by friends who can encourage you to give it another try. 

3. Overcome the obstacles - Figure out what is standing between you and your goal, and then make a step by step plan on how you are going to jump over that hurdle. Most times, there is an easy solution for monumental problems. If you cannot find the answers on your own, ask one of those wonderfully supportive people you told for help.

4. Reward yourself - Treat yourself every time you take a step towards victory! You deserve to indulge every now and then, especially when you do something that makes you proud! Have a scoop of ice cream, or go see that movie you've been dying to watch, or  buy that nice sweater you've had your eye on.

5. Picture it - The most powerful way of achieving a goal is to visualize your success! Imagine yourself in that smaller size, or studying at that college, or in that new car! The more you think about it happening, the more likely it is to ACTUALLY happen!  

Most importantly, don't let ANYONE stop you from being a better version of yourself!

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Much Needed "Me Time"

This time of year has to be one of the most stressful of all. On top of everything else you normally do, add making lists of things to get people, shopping for hours, cooking for hours, extra holiday cleaning, and so on for what seems like forever! 

I don't know about you, but all of the additional little tasks have me pretty tightly wound. It can be more difficult than ever to find time for yourself, to relax, which makes it more important than ever! Sleep is simply not enough anymore, as I find myself waking up sore and stiff.  

In order to feel better throughout the day we have to focus on establishing a time of rest for our bodies and souls. 

Fortunately there are 3 minor things that we can do to keep our batteries fully charged!

1. Devotional first thing in the morning - What is the first thing that comes to mind when you wake up in the morning? Usually, a long list of things you have to get done! What if, you turned off those automatic reminders, and tuned in to the Lord? Instead of casting all of those burdens and worries on to your own shoulders, remember that God is present and in control of EVERY situation. He cares about the things that trouble us throughout the day! Upon waking up, pray, and ask him to help you to relax, because He has it all in His capable hands. I like to use the YouVersion Bible App because it has endless devotions to help you listen to, and become aware of what God is trying to tell you today; which is far more important than what you will have for breakfast.

youversion bible from play.google.com

2. Stretch!!! - As I mentioned before, I have recently found myself waking up in worse shape than I was in when I went to sleep! The stresses of work, home life, and these end-of-year holidays have finally caught up to me. As a result, I found relief in an extremely mild daily exercise. If yoga is not your thing (it is definitely NOT mine) stretching works just as well! I found a video that works for me on YouTube; it is the first thing I do after my time with the Lord and it has gradually been loosening my tight muscles! 

3. Do something mindless - No, I don't mean go out and do something crazy and reckless just because you can! By mindless, I mean, do something that does not required much though or concentration, something that makes you feel good! I like to buy a cheap fun color of nail polish (97 cents for NYC Color at Walmart) to do my nails. It is easy, relaxing, and it forces me to stop for a minute to recollect my tranquility. It also makes me feel pretty! If you don't like to do your nails, pick your favorite song and listen to it without doing anything else. Close your eyes, and enjoy yourself!


When life gets overwhelming take a few steps back, and a couple hundred deep breaths! 
Things always get better!

Friday, December 26, 2014

A Very Kul Christmas

This year was one of the best Christmas' that I have had since I was a kid! 

I only received 3 presents (they were all absolutely perfect) from my wonderful husband, Pedro, but Christmas is not about presents, it is about sharing the love Jesus showed us when he was born in to this world. 

It is about spending time with the people you love the most, and showing them how much you care about them! 

Nico got 6 presents this year, 4 from Mama and Daddy, 1 from Abi, and 1 from church! His Grandma (he calls her Abi, short for abuela) helped him unwrap them. 

While my brother watched idly from the couch.  


this was his face when he realized that he had gotten mostly BOOKS! 

When we finished brunch and opened presents, we all went to visit Pedro's dad for a few hours, before my mom and my brother dropped us off at home.

This year for dinner, I roasted a DELICIOUS Christmas chicken.

Before eating, we all went skateboarding at the park near the house! Nico had a great time skating with Mommy and Daddy! 

And then we FINALLY ate. 

I feel so blessed this year because God gave me an amazing son and husband, he provided us with a home, and food to eat every night, and I know that it will only get better from here!

God truly is good all the time!

Monday, December 22, 2014

Comfortable Christmas Style!

 We were invited to an awesome annual Christmas party where a bunch of old friends come together to celebrate the holidays! 

This year I decided to skip the dress and go for a more semi-formal outfit, with non-obvious Christmas colors. 

(A lacy white skirt, a tight Santa-red blouse, and a dark olive green button down shirt with black booties)

I spent about an hour braiding my hair. 

 And for my make-up I did dramatic eye-shadow, light silver to dark silver, blush, cover-up, mascara, and cat eyeliner. 

The party turned out to be fun and exciting! I was comfortable and got to see old friends I had not seen in a long time, and they all complimented my Hot mom Christmas look!

Good Cop, Bad Cop

On July 17, 2014, Eric Garner died in Staten Island, New York, after a police officer put him in a chock hold. The tragedy was caught on tape, and Eric Garner was heard repeating the phrase "I can't breath" until he lost consciousness.


On August 9, 2014, 18-year-old Mike Brown was fatally shot by a police officer in Ferguson, Missouri, a suburb of St. Louis. His sudden death, at the hands of a law officer, caused violent protests.

Those are only two examples of the slew of negative stories regarding police officers in recent Media. It seems that people are being influenced to believe that all cops are violent, racist, selfish monsters who couldn't care less about the safety and well-being of the community. This new anti-cop mentality is causing people to act out all around the country. They are "taking matters into their own hands" by murdering innocent men who bravely put on their uniform everyday with the goal of protecting absolute strangers.

The deaths of those men were a terrible tragedy, as are all untimely deaths, and the men responsible NEED TO BE held accountable. It is important that murderers learn the value of ALL human life. 

 View image on Twitter

On December 20, 2014, uniformed police officers Wenjian Liu and Rafael Ramos were fatally shot in their squad car in Brooklyn, New york. The double murder is still currently under investigation. 

The belief that all police officers are evil is ridiculous. 

All police officers are human. Are all humans racist? No, right? Therefore, we have reason to believe that not all cops judge others by the color of their skin. In fact, most police officers take their oaths very seriously and are just as appalled as the rest of us by what happened to Eric and Mike. I do not want my son to grow up thinking that he cannot turn to a police officer in an emergency situation.

No wife/husband should have to worry that their spouse is not going to return home simply because he/she wears a uniform and a badge. No child should be told that their mother/father is in heaven because of someone's ignorant vendetta against the police. 

Once again, I encourage everyone to start thinking for themselves. 

Is it simple to make a difference! 

All you really need to do is be respectful and know your rights. This goes for police and civilians alike.

Value EVERY human life!

Saturday, December 20, 2014

A Special Christmas (; On a Budget ;)

This is the time of year for GIVING!! 

We all love to shower our friends and family with things that remind them that we care! 

But sometimes, our lists are miles long and our cash is a little short. The most important thing to keep in mind around this time of year is that Christmas is not about the money. It is about celebrating the coming of Christ into this world to save us! It is about being more like Jesus, giving and loving, especially to those you love! 

With these 4 tips, you can still have a very special affordable Christmas:

1. *Gifts - PICTURES!!! What better way to give them something to remember you by? A nice inexpensive picture frame with a picture of the kids is perfect for grandparents, aunts, and uncles! If you don't think they would appreciate a picture, get them CANDY!!! Buy nice small holiday boxes and fill them with Christmas confetti and that person's (or child's) favorite candy! If this person doesn't like pictures or candy, you can never go wrong with a RED BOX gift card. Just 5 dollars can provide a busy couple with 5 movie date nights after the kids go to sleep. Think about it! *Spend the most on 2 or 3 very special people!

2. Christmas Cards - Hand making Christmas cards is a fun family activity! Start out with a fun holiday photo shoot; there are plenty of awesome ideas on Pinterest. Then print 4x6 photos and tape them to the inside of blank Christmas Cards. Fill the inside with a personal message, or a Christmas bible verse; Luke 2:10 or 11 is nice! Don't forget to sign it with love from the whole family!

3. The Tree - If you live in a small apartment (like us) or you can't really afford a tree, getting what I like to call a "Tiny Tree" is a whimsical alternative! A few years ago we bought a $20 tree at Walgreens that had built in LED lights and came with a base and power cord. We put it on a small table and decorated it with colorful ornaments from the 99 cent store. It is absolutely beautiful! 

4. Dinner/ Breakfast - For breakfast have a pancake feast! Make them with egg eyes and bacon smiles! (Turkey bacon is a healthy and cheap alternative to pork bacon.) For extra fun dye them green with food coloring for Grinch pancakes!  For dinner, skip the turkey or ham and have a nice fat roasted chicken, whoever finds the wish bone gets to make a special wish! 

As long as you are overflowing with love it doesn't matter how much you spend!  

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Christmas Tragedy

Usually, around this time of year we hear stories about miracles and brotherliness all around the world. People go out of their way to lend a helping hand, but a few days ago a horrible event took place in Pakistan. 

The Taliban raided a military school and opened fire, killing 132 children from grades 1 through 10. Many of the children were civilians and all of them were completely innocent. One father commented that his 14 year old son left home in his uniform and returned in a coffin. 

Once again, intolerant men were carrying out their perverted view of "justice."

While it is important to remember that this season is about love and thanksgiving, we cannot ignore the fact that children are dying, not just in Pakistan, but all over the world. As we rush into stores to buy presents for those we cherish, many others are suffering and grieving. 

This year, we have to emphasize the true meaning of Christmas: a savior was born into an evil place to save us from the sin that enslaves us all, so that we could have hope for a perfect eternity. 

Thank God that you are safe, comfortable, and warm. 
Thank God that you are able to show your children, family, and friends how much you care about them. 
Thank God that you are alive and well today. 

There are not enough words to express my condolences. 

My heart bleeds for those kids, and especially for theirs mothers and fathers. 
No parent should ever suffer the loss of a little one; no one should ever know that pain. 

'Tis the season to be grateful for the peace in your life in a world that is filled with despair.

Honor the 132 children who lost their lives by living like Jesus, and spreading the love to everyone you meet. 

No exceptions.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

7 Suggestions for Surviving Blackout Boredom


No matter where you live, you cannot escape the weather, whether it's a blizzard, or a thunderstorm, or a hurricane. It seems like God is constantly reminding us that He has the power to make our plans take a hard left turn! 

Fortunately, storms are not always bad news. Sure, the power could go out and you could be left in the dark for the night, or even a few days, but the good news is that people have lived without electricity for centuries. They got together with friends and family and made the most of the time they were given. Today, we wonder how they survived without Netflix or Facebook. 

What did they do for entertainment? 

If you are drawing a complete blank, here are a few activities to get you through the "dark ages".

1. Make a reading nook! - Before movies and television, people were actually forced to use their imaginations. What better time then to get some comforters and pillows together, on a cozy spot on the floor, next to a window providing sufficient light. This is especially fun to do with kids, or your roommates! Put together an intricate fort that is large enough for all of you and then crack open your favorite books. You can all take turns reading; use funny voices and really get in to it! When it gets dark light a few candles; there is a magical quality to the candle lit pages of an enticing novel. 

2. Indoor camping! - This pretty much speaks for itself, doesn't it?! Make a clearing, set up a tent, and let the games being! Get a candle, and make s'mores. If you don't have anything to make s'mores with, find other food to put on sticks and toast them the best you can. Find "fire wood", pretend you are river rafting, cover the ceiling with glow in the dark stickers, have an epic "sword" fight, etc. This is when you put your heads together and get really creative.

3. Have a shadow puppet play! - Each person takes a moment to decide what and who their character is. Take turns describing your character, the more details the better! The sillier the better! Then put on a play; it could be a reenactment, or a completely original work of art. To keep the fun going, make a rule stating that everyone must stay in character all day. 

4. Create an indoor obstacle course! - Remember when you were a kid and you would pretend that the floor was made of lava? Well, after being dormant for over a decade, the volcano erupted again. Lay down cushions and make blanket rivers. If you live in a 2-story home, the stairs have just become Mount Everest; someone could even stand at the top and throw pillows at climbers simulating an avalanche. You can even sit in boxes and take turns pushing each other to the finish line; make things interesting and race! 

5. Play hide and seek! - Someone counts to 50, and you all find places to hide; good places, where it could take a little while to be found. And once you are found you must help the seeker find the other hiders. The last person to be found wins!

 6. Marco-polo with a blindfold! - I recommend this game to everyone, no matter how old you are. Pick someone to blindfold, spin them around a few times, and spread out! You know the drill, they say Marco you say Polo and you watch with giddy delight as they stumble around trying to find you!

 7. Write a never-ending story! - If you just want to sit around and be cozy, you can still do something fun; the more people the better. You each take turns writing a couple paragraphs or sentences, and when you all have had a chance to write something, read the story out loud. Then go for another round, and keep it going! See where your story adventure takes you. 

Whatever you decide to do during the atrocious weather storm, stay safe and stay warm. Just keep in mind that there is loads of fun to be had inside! 

Monday, December 15, 2014

Mommy and Me Monday!

Today, I present, not 1, BUT 3 undeniably adorable little ones and their beautiful mothers to pull you out of that terrible Monday Funk!




You can't look at those little faces and be down, it is just IMPOSSIBLE! 

Happy M&M Monday!